Monday, June 21, 2004

Lots to do today.

I must pester the friend who was silly enough to mention over drinks that there might be a proofreader job going at her place of work. I don't want to stalk her but she leaves me no choice. I dropped off my resume six days ago and haven't heard anything yet, so in I go to make a personal appearance.

I've been idling wondering over the past week what it would be like to wake up in the morning actually looking forward to going into work. To bound out of bed ready to face the day, anxious to hit your desk running. I imagine it must be nice.

Then it's on to the transmission place to put the Jeep up on the hoist. Most of the men in my life assume it's going to be the ball joints and/or the tie rod ends; I only know I have the Speed Wobbles. Fingers crossed that it doesn't cost the earth. I'm bribing Steve, our family's mechanic friend, with goodies from The Boy's work to give me a quick diagnostic so I can take that information home and hopefully TB can do most of the work himself.

Lastly, it's off to the printer to get more business cards done. I'm also going to get a quote on some letterhead. Exciting, non? Well, it really is for me, since places like that have always put me in a good mood. All those reams of pristine paper and the smell of various inks waiting patiently to be combined in a way that will send yet another satisfied customer out the door with a song in their heart and a box of fliers under their arm. It's all good.

Ideally, I'd love to stay in today and put tea tree oil on the myriad of blemishes that have chosen this day to make an appearance on my face. I wish everyday veils would become the trend, I really do.


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