Saturday, May 08, 2004

My new (brilliant) ad for the business is up at Dogster. My friend Aimee was instrumental in making the actual banner ad, but I almost drove myself into an asylum coming up with a seemingly casual tag line. I now see why people pay companies lots of moolah to do it for them.

The Little Black Dog Bakery. Check it out.

In eight hours I am hosting an early Mother's Day get together. My old china cabinet was hauled away last night by a previous work colleague so now the new sideboard dominates the room. This was an excellent revelation, so I then gilded the lily by adding bamboo which I placed in a vase with some pretty lake stones and placed slightly off-center, very shi shi.

The menu is as follows: Mustard-glazed pork loin roast, passionfruit chicken breasts, vegetable bake, caesar salad, herbed roasted potatoes, Portuguese buns and for dessert Tiramisu and a White Chocolate Lemon Tart.

Before then we need to bathe the new dog Murphy as he has earned the nickname Pee Dog. I wish we had time to steam clean the rug, but I guess Febreze will have to suffice. I'm pushing for a hardwood floor that we can just adorn with throw rugs, but that might have to wait until later on in the year.

Have a great Mother's Day, whomever you are!