Wednesday, November 19, 2003

If I ever have a kid, I'm going to have to take a time management class.

I left work yesterday, drove 45 minutes to my hometown to see my dentist (15 years cavity free! Yay me!), hit the grocery story, drove home, cracked walnuts and fell asleep on the chesterfield. The Boy promised to wake me at the crack of pitch dark this morning, as I seem to get fiddly tasks done faster and smarter if I tackle them before I go to work. So at 5:00 a.m., I made coffee, whipped up a batch of spiced walnuts for today's pot luck at work, watched a taped episode of Coronation Street while crocheting a baby afghan, packaged some dog treats to fill an order, showered, did some dishes, dealt with the pup and messed around entirely too much with my hair and some new curl activator product.

The house smells great from those walnuts. I couldn't bring myself to try one, since I'd waited until the last minute to make them and I didn't have a contingency plan if they were shite. But, really, how far wrong can you go with walnuts, icing sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and orange zest?

I just don't know how I could manage to wrangle a kid and their complete dependence on me into the mix without someone having to call in Children's Aid. It worries me.

The best part about getting up early on a day The Boy works is having all that quality alone time. I do what I want, in my own time, the remote is mine, the dog is generally quiet, it's all good. So this morning after he left, I popped out his Stevie Ray Vaughn dvd and popped in Season Four of Buffy. And the most spectacular thing happened: I found an episode I had never seen before. Now, I may well have, but I really don't remember any of it, so it's like I hadn't, which is just as good.

The only problem with the 'wee hours o' the morning' sprint is that I will more than likely crash mentally and physically around 3:00. The fact that I'm determined not to reach for chocolate or carbs to rectify the situation leads to droopy eyes, jumbled thoughts and a cranky disposition.

Today, so far, except for the fact that it's raining like I should be calling around about renting an ark and I look like a drowned rat as a result of the walk from the Jeep to the school, I'm in a pretty good mood. Which benefits everyone when you think about it. Just keep your eye on the clock.


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