Thursday, October 30, 2003

Okay, can someone email me and tell me why I'm such a big, dumb dog?

Pattering after everyone, working my ass off to achieve, simply wanting to please? I'm Odie, for fuck's sake.

And why do most people see a person who lives to do a good job, then proceed to treat said person like something they stepped in? Although at the same time, they still want you to continue performing (most likely taking on the lion's share of their workload) so their lives are not disrupted in any way. Also, they have the benefit of walking away feeling better about themselves for the credit that's been heaped on them from on high.

I'm not saying I crave the limelight to the exclusion of everyone else, I just want to be included. I don't want to sit at my desk, fighting back tears because they screwed me over once again. I am well aware that's how they get their jollies. I'm not a member of their team but I work like a mule to make them look good; who wouldn't take advantage of that, I guess.


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