Wednesday, October 01, 2003

I don't think there's any way to say this without sounding like a dork, but my eye doctor appointment was quite pleasureable. I've always liked my doctor, and when I asked him a couple of questions at the end of my checkup he spent another 20 minutes with me, showing me PowerPoint presentations of laser surgery and another surgery that entails replacement of the lens behind the cornea, a la cataract surgery. I'm also looking into those contacts you can wear, nonstop, for a month.

Then it was off to the frame room! I had recruited my Mom and the frame lady to make my decision for me, since I just don't do that sort of thing. After trying on almost every frame in the joint, we settled on one that is a lovely caramel colour, and much the same shape as Dana's glasses. Which is good, since I was looking for something a tad more dramatic than the basic wire ones I've had for years. $314 later, I made my appointment to pick them up next Tuesday. I must truly be a shopaholic, if even that sort of shopping makes me tingle in all the right places.

I also spoke with the infertility doctor today. Unfortunately, The Boy has to endure another date with a plastic cup before we attend the orientation session revolving around my first date with the turkey baster. Ain't technology grand?

My final call of the day involved the dentist. I always try to book an appointment with them in the evening, and he only works late one day a week. At this point, the earliest I could get in was mid-November. They like to harumph a lot when the appointment is months after I should go but hell, I haven't had a cavity in almost 15 years, so another eight weeks isn't going to make a big dif.

The positive note of the day is that the much-dreaded pink eye isn't materializing. Score! An addition to the positive note of the day revolves around the fact that the season premiere of Angel is on tonight. Bonus score!


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