Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Mid-day has passed and I am now officially looking forward to my 5:00 appointment tonight at the salon. I'm getting a pedicure for the first time in months. The state of my feet would scare you, but since I have the love for you all, I won't subject you to a picture. The only nice thing about them at this moment is my toe ring.

I splurged on the 'Spa' pedicure for an extra $5, bringing the total to $39.59. I would totally go elsewhere for a cheaper version of Party Toes, except for the fact that Manuela is the Queen of Feet. Well, the Princess of Feet, since Dale, my friend since Grade Nine, is the Queen. She might be the God of Feet for all I know. Luckily, they both went to school long enough ago that they can wield the razor blade with such accuracy that my feet feel like those of a newborn and don't cause me to hobble about after having half of my heel removed. Apparently, they don't teach that anymore, as too many people were being injured by incompetent boobs with sharp objects.

Dale inches Maueula out only because we spend our time together babbling like we haven't seen each other in years, so the massages and goodies tend to be extended. Score!

I usually bring my own polish so I can do touch-ups along the way, but today I've decided to live on the edge and choose a bold new colour for fall. Burnt orange maybe? Violent red? And it will most certainly not be anything frosted, as I've gotten my fill of that this summer. I loves me some cremes, yes I do. And it must also be OPI. If there's anything better, it would cost an arm and a leg. Or a toe :)

Colour me excited. And some dark shade, too.


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