Tuesday, September 23, 2003

If I ever was considered a cool kid, it's all down the drain as of now. Breaking into tears at my desk is just about the dorkiest thing I've ever done. The fact it occurred around 7:37 a.m. and I was the only one in the office makes it only marginally more okay.

When I was little, I practically had to be bleeding from the eyes to shed a tear. I was once pushed from behind into a puddle of hot tar in our newly-graded subdivision, wound up with two knees full of black gook and pebbles and was more pissed off than anything, since the little prick responsible for the assault also managed to get tar on my new Mickey Mouse sweatshirt. That's the type of kid I was. I'm not saying I was better but come on, really, this 'giving in to your emotions' thing bites. I don't really care what others do, but when I can't stem a wave of salt water, I feel weak and useless and small. Give me anger or righteous indignation any day of the week. At least there's an outside chance it will spur me on to some constructive forward motion. Tears just make me look like shite and give me a headache.

So, to sum up, Men Suck.


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