Saturday, September 20, 2003

I just woke up from a lie-in that would have been described as delicious, had it not been for the disturbing dream I had. You know the one; you wake up with this uncomfortable feeling already lodged between two ribs. The feeling that takes a lovely greasy breakfast to shake. Or an early-morning drive to Sbux. Or if you're Canadian, Tim Hortons. So off I drove in my jammies, with only my tarragon green hoodie valiantly working to cover up the fact that I had rolled out of bed and into the Jeep.

Now I sit at my computer when I should be working on my home business. It's taken a shit-kicking since the college intervened, but I really can't turn down a (well) paying gig right now. I have every intention of having the website go live before October 1. I'll just have to come home from work and start another half-day with the other job. Millions of people do it, I don't know why I should have to whine about it. I must build the brand, and that takes time. I'm guessing a good time to do that is the eight-week period leading up to the holidays.


I don't know if this is exactly kosher, but I've been handing out my business card to random students as I've been releasing this past week. I'm sitting at Teresa's desk, where she has a shrine to her Siamese, Gandalf. The kids comment, I say it's not my desk, I have a dog, I am an all-round animal lover, I must be since I started a business for them, etc. Anyone I've taken this conversation path with has fallen into my trap beautifully, and have walked away with a card, promising to visit the site. I realize not every kid will do so, but it's nice to know I'm taking advantage of seeing 50-60 kids per day and turning it around in my favour.


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