Friday, October 24, 2003

I just finished a monster project for my boss. Well, truth be told, it's 66.6666666% done, but the rest will wait. I keyed 1,000 Social Insurance Numbers today. Thank heavens for my discman and my mix cds!

I'm now cramping up nicely.

On a lighter note, I must go home and do laundry, pack and clean the Jeep in preparation for my trip south in the wee hours of tomorrow morning. There are few things I enjoy more than opening up the vehicle on one of the 400-highways as the eastern sky turns from midnight blue to fifty shades of blues and pinks as the sun makes its way westward. What with my love of cars and remotes, I might just have a touch more testosterone in me than is medically recommended.

I've been asked to speak at Homecoming! Only because someone else dropped out of the panel discussion, mind. It has to do with me starting my own business. I don't have much to say yet, but I'm sure I can fudge a few introductory remarks on the decisions that brought me to where I am now, and the rest of the time it's just fielding questions. No worries, mon.

Wish me luck!


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