Friday, June 11, 2004

Man, I am losing it.

I just sent off an email to a journaller I read regularly in response to her notify list offer of a free gmail account. In her words, the request had to be 'pretty'. Mine just ended up being scary, I think. Now I'll spend all day worrying I've alienated yet another person out there in the ether and how this will affect my already slightly dented karma. I'm such a spaz.

I have so much to do today and not a whit of energy, so I'm going to sit here until some is magically delivered to me.

My niece turned seven today. Seven. I remember the day Mom and I drove to the hospital and sat in the waiting room watching The Price is Right on a crappy television, only to be startled into the present at 11:48 a.m. when Kate let out her first mighty wail.

Fifteen minutes later we got to nip in to the room and meet her. Sandra looked like she had gone ten rounds in the ring with Rocky and all she wanted from me was Chicken Nuggets with mustard sauce. She virtually begged me, so who was I to say no? After doing what she had just done she deserved as many as she could eat, I say. Her nurse quietly suggested to me that Kate probably wouldn't want mustard sauce-tinged breast milk so early on.

What a crazy memory, huh? One I'm sure I'll share with Kate at a most inopportune teenage moment...


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