Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Hurry up and wait

Yesterday was the first time this year I've spent almost the entire day with the windows open. Good, because it shoos all the musty, dusty winter air out and ushers in clean, unadulterated spring breezes. 'Orrible, because Murphy feels compelled to bark like an eediot at every. goddamn. noise. I appreciate his need to guard the house and its inhabitants but for the love of Pete, his bark shakes the foundation! I do sort of laugh at the snotty college kids who live down the road and who have misinterpreted our lawn as the local landfill; they hear his hefty woof! and actually look scared. Serves them right for poaching my wireless connection. Probably. Bastids.

Mom popped by yesterday with steak and strawberry-rhubarb pie to make up for the birthday dinner we missed on Sunday because of me. I've been having some troubles in my, um, plumbing area and everyone agreed it was best if I stayed camped out on the chesterfield with ginger ale and the 1,000-degree Magic Bag nestled along my knotted shoulders. Hence, the missing out of my BIL's birthday celebration (you're older than me again! Phhbt!) I probably couldn't have choked down Steak Oscar, crispy potatoes, fresh yellow beans and said pie but I would have enjoyed watching everyone else partake. So, just for The Boy, I made crispy potatoes and salad to go with the steak. I was able to eat most everything and felt moderately acceptable watching Corner Gas before snuggling in and falling soundly asleep on the couch. The rest of the night was a washout because of the insane dreams my mind insists on showing me. To tell you about them would only scare you so I'll keep them to myself.

I need wishers on full force and good vibes a-plenty about the blood test results I expect to receive early this afternoon please. Pretty please.


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