I have thought about it and worried about it and conferred with close friends and have now come to the conclusion that
I am afraid of journalling.
Not afeared of the blogging because hello, here I am. Blogger isn't sitting there keeping statistics, telling me with each passing day (24 at last count) how I'm falling down as a writer. Luckily, I am able to foist the blame where it belongs.
I found a cool new portal and I can't even sign up because of my inability to update with interesting and timely entries at least four times a week.
The content on said portal is great and I've been growing my Bookmarks file on a scale not seen since the early days of the love of my UBB life. Far and away the best of the bunch are Pauly and Meme & Co. Go, read, enjoy, bookmark.
Their writing is such high quality stuff (come on, "No, You May Not Suck My Toe", or, "If I Was a Pirate Psychologist"?) that mine seems more akin to reading the back of the cereal box. I've appealed to my notify kids for prompts and have received a number of excellent suggestions but it's that first step being the doozy that's stumping me.
I think I used to be funny. I know I used to be verbose.
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