Saturday, October 02, 2004

Witholding money but not corn dogs

I'm pissed off today.

This is starting to become a disturbing theme, non?

This time, I think I'm justified: I'm on so many drugs at the moment I'm all over the map emotionally. The last shot yesterday (HcG) hurts like hell to shoot and the needle is huge. The college decided in their wisdom not to pay me this week which means I'll have to wait another two weeks to get a month's wages. Thank heavens I have enough money to cover bills until then. Still, they call and I jump to their AID and as thanks, they don't do the appropriate paperwork. Nice.

So, I'm going to drown my sorrows in mustard. Underneath the mustard, you will see if you look carefully, a corn dog. Not a P@g@, one of those nasty things you get in boxes in the grocery store. A real corn dog, dipped in front of your eyes by a vendor at the fair I'm going to this morning with my Mom, sister and niece. A little country fair near my hometown, I've been attending this event since 1972 when we moved to our house in the little village, population 500. The town one over had the fair and when I was small I used to enjoy it more because it wasn't as dauntingly loud and busy as the The Western Fair.

With any luck, I'll miss the parade and catch the shuttle right to the front door. I'll find my Mom who's working the church table in the main arena and we'll be off to wander and eat! Food soothes everything, I should have that tattooed on my forehead. (My fat, bulging forehead).

I hope your weekend is as enjoyable as 10 piping hot corn dogs!

October 3, 2004 4:41 p.m.
Edited to add the freakin' fair didn't have corn dogs. They had overpriced onion rings and dried out hamburgers. And rain. And a driving wind that snuck right inside your coat. So I thought today might be better, since I was going to the largest wood show in North America. But nooooo. Back bacon on a bun as far as the eye can see and more overpriced onion rings, but no corn dogs. I'm beginning to wonder if I've done something horribly wrong somewhere down the line and forgot.

Apparently, the Karma Gods have not.


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