Thursday, October 28, 2004


As many times in a day as I bemoan my current state of affairs, I should match one-to-one the people in my life who work hard to keep me smiling. They ask after me and take great pleasure in conveying tales of their lives, stories that interest me, that educate me, that tickle my funny bone. (Something that is never ticklish, ironically).

Being a Pisces, I have a tendency to wallow. Being ME, I have a tendency to blame my tendency to wallow on being Pisces. Ultimately, wallowing occurs. Serious pity party stuff, which anyone who has read even three of my entries in a row will know by now. And honestly? It's really pissing me off. I would enjoy the pain and the misery and the poverty et. al. if I could twist it around to make it funny, but all I hear is whine, whine, whine. And if I can't bear to listen to myself, why the hell would anyone outside of my sad, shriveled brain want to subject themselves to it?

So I'm going to make a deal with myself: I'm going to force myself to recall a happy story or memory everytime I feel the Shade of Depression coming down on my head. If I am unable to do that, I will seek out a friend online and attempt to make something that passes for funny conversation. I want to take the time out to appreciate everyone who makes my day a little brighter.

Maybe I've been down so long my humour muscles have atrophied?


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